North Dakota
has 5 Superdelegates
1 is pledged for Clinton, 1 for Sanders, 3 uncommitted.
This is a grassroots campaign - so we need grassroots leaders like you. If you’re helping rally people where you live to make sure the Superdelegates do the right thing, or would like to do so then please:
If you don't have time to join us on the ground, but still would like to reach out to your state’s Superdelegates, please use the social media links below. Contact them respectfully and politely, and ask them to not deny the wish of Democratic voters with their Superdelegate votes. Blaming them for whole system is counterproductive - they didn't create the system.
Heidi Heitkamp
Warren Larson
Chad Nodland
Kylie Oversen
Renee Pfenning
Actions you can Take!
Tell North Dakota Superdelegates: Don’t Deny Democracy
Sign the Petition!